My friend Ian thought it would be a good idea to try and put on a benefit gig for me at his house. The reason being is that i am about three hundred euros short of finishing the new trike and although i have approached the local farms for work, they dont really need extra hands for a few months and it is generally a quiet time of year across the board around here. undeterred though i spent the last couple of weeks chopping up a rotting old freezer (for the aluminium lining )anne marie had in an outbuilding and an old fold up  steel campbed i found in the old derelict railway station house in Remalard.
Anyway to cut a long story short i designed and have built a powered trailer for busking or catering, as its modular. Anne marie is enquiring about the legal side of cooking on the markets and in the meantime i am going to busk with it at the vide greniers and the small towns to try and rustle up some cash.
so after talking with Ian the other day  he thought about the gig thing a bit more realistically and approached Bob  who owns the Jazz cafe in Reveillon,  with the idea, and Bob agreed to hold the night there.
The jazz cafe is famous in the locality for its music nights and the stage is mine next saturday night.
Ian is going to play  bass on a few, Anne Marie will play the banjo and sing with me on others and a guy Ian knows called francois will hopefully play percussion.
Although i could quite happily play all my own songs all night, i think it might be a good idea to play the old favourites as well. simon and garfunkel , the beatles etc, mixed in with some  good old rock'n' roll.
Still, first things first. Longny au Perche tomorrow for some busking and promoting. I intend to put a few posters up and hand out some flyers that Anne Marie has put together for me , and over the next week i hope to play in all the towns and villages in the area and try my best to to get as many people as i can to come along to the gig.
she has also contacted the press for me and so i should appear in the listings next week . All good stuff and very fast too, considering i only spoke with Bob the owner yesterday.
I  also intend(weather permitting) to prepare and cook spicy bean burgers with all the trimmings on the barbecue in the garden on the night.  well , maybe i wont cook them myself  on the night , but i will get them ready.
I've got to earn the money for ingredients first so i think i should get an early night, dust off the old axe and get back out there.
I am going to take my camera out with me and film the antics of the week leading up to the big night.
saturday 7 th april
the Jazz Cafe Reveillon
5 euros entrance fee


Réveillon Jazz Café

Samedi 07 avril à 20 h