it was  the school holidays here in france over the last two weeks and so we got the camera out. The final part is on its way but for now have a look at these
fresh out the workshop and onto the first test and was very happy with the result as you can see.
We pulled it off. Thanks to Anne Marie, Ian, Elisabeth, Bob and shirley, Brigitte, Marie pierre, Bastian, Bryn, the local press, facebook and all the good people who threw money into my hat over the last week and a half or so, because not only was it a fun night , especially the all hands on deck part of the evening which saw everybody cooking, filling pittas with spicy beanburgers and all the bits, taking orders and waiting tables, during the half time interval., but i counted the loot the next morning and found myself 295 euros closer to finishing the trike. yippee!
ive put together a bit of a montage of the build up and snippets of the gig.
hope you like

i have been out busking three times so far, and i am happy to say the response has been good. i played first on friday in a small village called Longny au perche and it was very quiet , but a good place to break the ice. Next i played nexy to the market in Mortagne and that was a bit more like it, andthis morning in remalard market.
posters are going up and flyers are going out and the playing is getting tighter and if it carries on like this i should have the money to buy the ingredients for the bean burgers by thursday.
The local press liked the website and are doing a little write up as well, so all in all good progress.
i have some footage from today and saturday and will make a montage after the gig with all the footage from the rest of the week and the big night itself.
got to strip the bike down and grease it up this afternoon as there are many kms ahead.
The weather is great which is a brucy bonus